Articles Tagged with West Palm Beach injury attorney

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With the holiday season in full swing, stores across Florida are packed with patrons, scrambling to pick up those few last-minutes items. Store employees are often swamped, and when hazardous floor conditions become apparent, they have less time and fewer personnel to remedy the problem. These kinds of incidents give rise to an increasing number of slip-and-fall injuries in area stores.

Not every fall will generate a lawsuit, but particularly where injuries require hospitalization, it’s worth exploring.

Although pro-business lobbyists have done a good job spinning slip-and-fall lawsuits as a byproduct of greed, the reality is, a company that invites guests onto its property for the purpose of spending money owes a duty to keep those guests safe from unreasonable harm. This means promptly addressing spills, poor lighting, debris in the aisles and other dangerous conditions.

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