
Recent Accidents highlight risks of Elevator Accidents in Sunrise and Elsewhere

Stories about elevator accidents reaffirm some people’s severe elevator phobias — horrible incidents that can happen anywhere, including elevator accidents in Sunrise. Last month’s elevator accident stories from New York have some people worried about what can happen if an elevator fails to operate properly. In recent New York stories, a woman was crushed and killed while riding a public elevator, according to MCNBC.

“It was horrible and I felt bad about her but in my mind it was just another confirmation as to why I don’t like elevators,” says a reader of the latest MSNBC elevator accident article.

Our Sunrise elevator accident attorneys understand that both city and federal officials are investigating the freak elevator accident that took the life of an advertising executive. The woman was killed when the elevator malfunctioned. It happened as the lift suddenly shot up, crushing her between floors of the Manhattan offices of the ad agency Young and Rubicam. Freak accidents like this can happen at any moment. Residents are urged to be cautious while riding these devices. Elevators are to be properly maintained and inspected by officials in an attempt to stop these accidents before they happen. That, unfortunately, is not always the case.

Officials are looking into a power surge as the cause of the recent elevator accident. Although officials say that your chances of being in one of these accidents is “a billion to one,” the truth of the matter is that you face some serious risks for accidents on elevators when they’re not properly maintained. Yes, this accident may have been rare, but there are other types of accidents that happen more often than you might think.
Transel Elevator Inc. is the company responsible for maintaining this elevator and several others in nearby buildings. It’s undergoing an investigation to help ensure no more of these catastrophic accidents occur.

Transel was reportedly working on the elevator the day before the accident occurred, but still kept it open for public service.

To help keep you safe, consider following these few elevator safety tips:

-Stay alert. Know when the car arrives at your floor.

-Stand clear of doors when they’re opening or closing.

-If the car is full, wait for the next one. Don’t overcrowd an elevator.

-Don’t try to alter the movement of the car’s doors.

-In the event of a fire or another type of emergency, use the stairs.

-Never get on an elevator when the floor of the car isn’t level with the floor you’re standing on.

-Board the car and step to the back to allow room for other riders.

-Always grab the handrail or stand near a wall.

-Exit immediately when you’ve arrived at your floor. Do not wait for others.

-Keep moving once you’ve exited. Don’t block the exit for other passengers.

If you or a family member has been injured in an elevator accident in Sunrise, Lauderdale Lakes, Royal Palm Beach, Pompano Beach or in any of the surrounding areas, contact our personal injury lawyers of Freeman, Mallard, Sharp & Gonzalez, LLC for a confidential appointment to discuss your rights. Call 1-800-529-2368.

Additional Resources:

Elevator deaths rekindle phobics’ worst fears, By Diane Mapes, MSNBC
‘Billion-to-one’ power surge may be to blame for Madison Avenue elevator tragedy, as repair company’s safety record is called into question, by Rachel Quigley, Mark Duell and Thomas Durante, Mail Online

More Blog Entries:

Our Fort Lauderdale Injury Attorneys Invite You to Join Elevator and Escalator Safety Week, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, November 4, 2011

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