
Florida Traffic Safety: Fatal Accidents More Likely in Rural Areas

If you want to avoid death by injury, your best bet is to live in a large city, reports The New York Times. According to a recent study published in The Annals of Emergency Medicine, researchers looked at close to 1.5 million injury fatalities in more than 3,000 counties across the country from 1999 to 2006 and categorized each area by a 10-point urban-rural scale. It organized these areas by both proximity to metro areas as well as population density.

The conclusion drawn indicated that as counties became more rural, the death rates increase accordingly. Most commonly, the injuries and fatalities in these areas were the result of gunshots and car accidents. Fatal accidents were almost three times more likely in rural cities. On the other hand, the risks for fall-related and poisoning accidents were lower in rural counties. Homicide was more likely in urban areas.

Our Stuart City personal injury attorneys understand that cities may be the safest place to avoid injury, statistically speaking. But the risks for injury and even death are always present on the road. Everyday tasks come with some serious risks and that’s why it’s always important to be cautious.

Avoiding Car Accidents:

-According to the Florida Safety Council, wearing a seat belt is your best defense against injury and death in the event of an accident.

-Know your rights and responsibilities. Know the road laws, abide by them and have courtesy for other drivers.

-Avoid drinking and driving. It’s not only illegal, it’s dangerous.

-Be cautious in heavy, fast-moving traffic. Put down the distractions and keep your full attention on the road.

Avoiding Poisoning Incidents:

-Read labels and make sure hazardous products (like cleaning supplies, pesticides, pool chemicals and medications) are kept away and locked up from children.

-Always keep dangerous products in their original containers so their easily identified.

-Don’t tell children that medication is candy. That only sets them up to crave it in the future, even when you’re not around.

-Keep the phone number for the Poison Help Line accessible (1-800-222-1222). Make sure that caregivers and babysitters know what it is and where do find it in the event of an emergency.

Gun Safety:

-Never store or handle a loaded firearm in the home. Tragedy can occur with just one instance of negligence.

-Make sure that the trigger is always locked. It’s also important to keep it in an area where children cannot access.

-Keep ammunition and firearms safely locked in separate areas.

-Do NOT point a gun at someone you don’t intend to shoot. Even if you’re sure that the gun is unloaded, you never want it to face another person.

-Educate everyone in the home about firearms safety – especially children.

City or not, you want to make sure that everything you do is done with the safest of intentions. Safety never takes a day off and neither should you.

If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident, call Freeman, Mallard, Sharp & Gonzalez at 1-800-561-7777 for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights.

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Fort Lauderdale Trolley Accident Injures Five, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, July 28, 2013

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