
Boating Accident a Reminder of the South Florida Risks this Winter

We live in South Florida and we’re provided with a year-long opportunity to hit the waters off our beautiful coastline.

Unfortunately, we also face year-long risks for boating accidents, which can be quite serious. Take the recent Delray Beach boating accident for example. In this accident, a young man was thrown from the boat and right into a navigation marker. The driver of that boat has been charges with Boating Under the Influence (BUI), according to CBS12. The boater died from head trauma, severe internal injuries and broken ribs.

He is currently on trial for the BUI charge and for killing his fellow boater. At the time of the accident, he returned a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of 0.13, close to twice the legal limit. If he’s found guilty, then he could be sentenced to 15 years behind bars.

Our Delray Beach boating accident lawyers understand that there were close to 30 reported boating accidents in Broward County in 2010. These accidents gave Broward County the dubious honor of being the state’s sixth most dangerous for these kinds of incidents, according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The only counties to rank worse than us in the entire state of Florida were Lee, Pinellas, Palm Beach, Miami-Dade and Monroe.

Boaters are especially warned during the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. This is when a majority of the 2010 boating accidents occurred.

So what are the top causes of boating accidpinellasents in Florida?

1.) Collision with a Fixed Object.

2.) Collision with Another Vessel.

3.) Flooding/Swamping

4.) Falls Overboard

5.) Grounding

Boaters between the ages of 36 and 50 were most likely to be in operation of a boat without any form of formal boating education. This group was closely followed by those ages 51 and older.

Simple Boating Tips, from the Broward County Sheriff’s Office:

-Make sure you check the weather forecast before heading out.

-Make sure there as many life jackets on the boat as there are people.

-Make sure there is always a working marine radio on board at all times.

-Complete a boater’s education course before heading out.

-Make sure that all children under the age of 6 are wearing a life jacket at all times.

-Ventilate after fueling. Open hatches, run the blower, and check for fuel fumes before starting the engine.

-Make sure that you have an emergency kit on your vessel, including flares, a first-aid kit, drinking water and sun screen. Bring a flashlight and extra batteries, too!

-Tell someone you’re going boating beforehand.

-Avoid drinking and boating. About a third of all boating fatalities involve a boat operator who is under the influence of alcohol.

The Boca Raton accident lawyers at Freeman, Mallard, Sharp & Gonzalez, LLC have been successfully and aggressively representing victims and their families for years. Email us or call us today for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your rights. Call us at 1-800-561-7777.

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